Thursday 14 July 2011

Soap Opera Brief

Rough Plan

For the task in hand, our aim is to advertise and promote a new soap opera and introduce a new cast of characters to an intended audience through the construction of a soap opera trailer, a poster and listings magazine cover using key conventions.
We have decided to aim our soap opera at young adults and so this led us to take inspiration from Hollyoaks as they use a young, glamourous cast. Furthermore, we looked into location/setting and decided that a pub/bar location would be preferable and took inspiration from Eastenders and the Queen Vic which is the hub of the community and where all the characters get together.
The trailer, poster and magazine are all used to advertise our new soap and will all follow the theme of glamour. All 3 products are used to entice an audience and make them want to watch the soap. The poster will show the time, date and channel the soap is on to inform the audience and the magazine will give clues into many different storylines as magazines tend to have a busy front cover with little blank space.
To film and take pictures for the poster and magazine, we will be using a HD camera. This will give us a high quality picture and lead to a more professional final production.
We are looking at developing our skills further and editing the shots on Final Cut as opposed to iMovie as this will give us a better range of transitions and editing effects.

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