Wednesday 18 January 2012

First Rough Cut and Feedback- New Footage

Feedback for our first rough cut
We showed our first rough cut of our new footage to a group of media students and we recieved positive feedback and improvements which we would need to consider when re-editing our piece.

This piece of feedback was given with regards to our first rough cut using the old footage.
Positive Feedback:
  • Better continuity
  • Meaning much more apparent
  • Camera used more effectively
  • Transition in the middle of the piece to be added in editing
The remaining feeback we recieved was given towards our first rough cut using the new footage (as seen above).

Positive Feedback:
  • Ending works well
  • Good variety of shots (such as the pool shot)
  • Props are realistic and work with the setting
  • Lively music matches the young characters and setting
  • Lighting was considered well
  • Clever idea for a soap opera trailer
  • Good location and storyline
  • Zoom was effective
  • Beginning shot too long
  • Did not show a lot about the characters
  • No voiceovers or soap name - no soap trailer conventions
  • Establishing exterior shot to show location
  • Add more transistions
  • Some of the scenes where extras talk could be shortened
  • Storyline can be unclear
  • Framing - some heads are cut out of the close up shots
From this feedback we recieved, we can see what we need to add and improve on for our second rough cut with the new footage.
The feedback given shows a positive improvement from our first piece of footage to the second but improvements are still needed.
When editing our second rough cut, we will be adding titles at the end of the piece to inform audiences of the time and channel in which our soap is on. We could also look at using an establishing shot at the beginning to show location which will enable us to follow generic trailer conventions.
Our initial idea was to look at introducing the characters one by one with their names and a bit about their personality so the audience can relate to them and have an idea of who they are so we can include this in our second rough cut when the characters line up towards the end.

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