Thursday 1 September 2011

Final Script

First scene:
At the start of our trailer we use an Exterior shot with the characters going into a pub/restaurant so it then becomes an interior shot. Whilst this is happening there is no character dialogue.
Second scene:
Within the interior shot we see the characters line up inside the pub / restaurants which shows their different personalites and gives hints to the different storylines coming to the soap.
Once all the characters are lined up a character that is drunk falls over bumping into the characters causing distruption and frustration. 
There is a background music playing throughout the entire piece.
At the end of our trailer there will be female voice doing a smooth voiceover, over the music to tell the audience details for the soap opera.
Female voiceover:
Beaulieu Way, channel 7, weekdays at 8:30pm.

We have decided not to use dialogue in the main scenes of our trailer, as we feel that our background music we have carefully thought upon will set the soap opera better than to have dialogue, it will draw the audience in wanting to know more of the characters.

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