Thursday 1 September 2011


Possible Locations for our Soap Opera trailer.

These are some pictures taken from the interior and exterior of the
Everest Gurkha Restaurant in Chelmsford, the Green Dragon pub in Braintree and the Dog and Gun in Chelmsford. These are possible locations that we may use for the trailer of our soap. We found these location interesting as they were all different and all had a different look and feel to them both inside and out. We chose to use a pub to give the trailer a sense of home a local part of a community which relates well with introducing our characters.
We chose a high class pub in order to match our higher class characters. We will include exterior shots but didn’t want to use a main exterior setting due to the fact that our characters would be in smart dress and the females will be in high heels and other unpractical costumes and props which would make sense for them to be in an interior setting. Between the members in our group we know either people who work in these pubs or people that own these pubs which makes it more practical and easier for us to do so.

We have also looked at another pub called the Angel that we may film our soap opera trailer in, these are some pictures of the exterior of the pub.


Laura Thomas and Lauren Dinnes

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