Thursday 1 September 2011

Photographic Storyboard

This is an establishing shot of the location that we would be using to film our soap opera trailer. It lets the audience know where the soap is filmed and what type of story lines may be involved.

This is a mid shot of some ones feet, this is because in our actual soap opera trailer we want to film our characters walking into the pub or setting. This will build up the tension for the audience and therefore they will want to watch our soap opera more.

This is a picture of a group of people sat at a table, within our piece we want to show people that would be regulars at the location (pub) so that the tension is built up when the new characters enter the location, causing a disruption.

Once again this is the picture of the feet that in the actual trailer would be walking along passed the camera. Within our trailer we want to go from clips of people enjoying themselves in the location to the characters walking into the location. (the pub) This builds up a large amount of tension for the audience which keeps their attention and makes them want to watch the soap opera.

Each of the clips that are of the people that re in the location already will be different, this will show the size of the location and how the people in it are regulars at the location (the pub).

Every time the audience see the feet walk passed the camera it will be a different character, this shows that all of the characters are entering the location. This also helps to build up the tension and also gives the audience connotations of disruption. 

Once we have flicked from the feet to the regulars a number of times then it will show the regulars turning to a certain point and by using facial expression they will all look shocked and disgusted at these new people that have caused the disruption.

We will show all of the regulars turning to look at these new characters that have entered.

Finally the camera will pan from the last group of people looking shocked to the long shot of the line of all of our characters, this will then show the audience all of the characters individually, giving them a glimpse of their personalities and story lines that they may be involved in.

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