Thursday 1 September 2011

Audition Information

For our audition process, we would need to find 3 possible candidates for each character who would fit the role of the character with the ability to act to a high standard to ensure our filming would be of high quality. The auditions would consist of a short introduction about the role that would need filling, the candidates acting and an evaluation of the piece to conclude who we would use to perform in our piece.

People who audition will be given this short script to read aloud, depending on which character they were auditioning for, and as a group we would assess how well they got on. All auditions will take place before our main filming piece so that we would be fully prepared when it came to filming.

Casting is a main aspect of the filming as the people we choose to film must fit and relate to the character in order to gain the best possible outcome.

Our auditions will take place in the first week of November 2011 for all of our 7 characters.

(Rich boy) - Character 1 -

(Couple) - Character 2 -

(Homosexual) - Character 3 -

(Drunken fool) - Character 4 -

(Jealous Girl) - Character 5 -

(Pregnant Girl) - Character 6 -

All members of the group.

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