Thursday 1 September 2011

Second Storyboard

The first scene will be an establishing shot of the area, to give the audience a sense of scenery. This shot will last for 5 seconds.

The next shot would be a long shot of the exterior of the pub,to give away the setting to the audience. This shot will last 4 seconds.

The next shot would be a tracking shot of the characters as they walk into the pub. This shot will last for 5-8 seconds.

The next shot would be a mid-shot of the front of the pub with the door closed, which is then opened by a character. This shot will last for 4 seconds.

The next shot would be a mid-shot of the front of the pub with the door open. This shot will last for 4 seconds.

The next shot is the main scene, it will be on a long shot with all the characters walk into the pub one by one to introduce the characters. The character's information will be shown at the side of each character on a freeze frame/slow motion shot as they're walking in. This shot will last for about 20-30 seconds.

The next shot will be a split-screen and is used to show the characers as they walk into the pub and the people already in the pubs reactions. This shot will last for 5 seconds.

The characters that walk through the door will then be show walking into a line which will be used by panning the camera round as the last character walks away. This shot will last for around 10-15 seconds.

There will be a long shot showing the line of characters with a gap to show the final character barging through the middle acting 'drunk'. A title above their heads will appear stating 'There's a new team in town'. This shot will last 5 seconds.

The next shot would be a long shot behind the line of characters showing everyone else in the pub to see their reactions, through facial expressions, this shot will last 5 seconds.

The next shot would be a fade to black transition from the previous shot where it would run the titles of the title of the new soap, the channel which the soap will be shown on and the time that it would be shown on. This will last for around 5-10 seconds.

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